25 th International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry
6 - 11 June, 2011
International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry is held in different regions of Russia every two years. It is the largest in CIS countries scientific forum covering both fundamental and applied aspects of modern coordination chemistry. One of its major tasks is to strengthen the role of fundamental research in solving practical problems. The Conference has a high international reputation.
25th Chugaev Conference will be held in Suzdal, Russia in the International Year of Chemistry. The conference program includes reports of leading scientists, oral communication on actual problem of coordination chemistry, huge poster sessions, and a school for young scientist. Roundtables on the most important and promising projects in the field of coordination and organometallic chemistry are also planned during the Conference.
Suzdal is a conference cite for the first time. Nevertheless it is the well-known historical and cultural center of ancient Russia. It attracts the tourist from every corner of the globe because Suzdal is one of the most beautiful Russian towns located not far from Moscow. A social program for the Conference participants and accompanying persons will be organized
President of the Conference
Academician N.T. Kuznetsov (Moscow)
Academician V.M. Novotortsev (Moscow) Scientific secretary
Prof. K.Y. Zhizhin (Moscow) The committee members
Academician S.M. Aldoshin (Chernogolovka)
Corresponding member of the RAS A.E. Gekhman (Moscow)
Prof. S.A. Larionov (Novosibirsk)
Section 1. - Methods of coordination compounds synthesis; - Structure and properties of coordination compounds; Section 2. - Theoretical aspects of coordination chemistry; - Mechanisms and intermediates of complex formation; Section 3. - Ligand reaction in the inner sphere of metal complexes; - Metal-complex catalysis; Section 4. - Bio-inorganic chemistry; - Supramolecular chemistry of coordination compounds; - Ŕpplications of coordination chemistry in nanotechnology, material sciences, organic synthesis, ecology, medicine, agriculture, etc.
Conference program includes:
Official languages of the Conference is Russian and English.
Participants should fill in Registration form on Conference send it by e-mail not later than March 1, 2011.
All foreign participants should have entry visa to Russia. The Institute will assist the participants with issuing the business visa. With this respect, we would ask them to fill the questionnaire and send it by e-mail strictly before 1 March, 2011. Besides, we will also need a copy of the first pages of passport with photo, name, issuance data etc. It should be send by fax +7 (4932) 336237 via e-mail chugaev-conf@isc-ras.ru. We will apply to Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an entry visa for participant and accompanying persons. After application has been accepted and we will get an official invitation letter. We will send this letter by registered mail to participant. After you will receive an original document by Ministry of Foreign Affairs from us should apply to Russian consulate in order to get entry visa. There are no way for us to assist with visa after deadline. Please keep your migration card, which you get entering Russia. Without this card it is impossible to get accommodation.
All participants are required to pay the appropriate registration fees in Euro not later than 1 May, 2011.
The registration fee covers participation in all Conference events including meeting, round tables, exhibitions, Welcome party, and coffee breaks as well as excursion around Suzdal, Conference Program, Book of Abstracts, informational support, and consular fees for official invitation. The registration fee does not cover transportation to/from airport by conference bus/car and one day's excursions for accompanying persons to nearest ancient towns: Vladimir, Ples, Pereslavl-Zalesskij, Yaroslavl, Kostroma.
Abstract of presentations will be published in the Book of Abstracts and on CD, which all participants will receive at registration desk before conference opening. Please note that only the abstracts submitted by those authors, who paid the registration fee before 1 March, 2011, can be included in the Book of Abstracts. An individual may submit only two abstracts but may appear as a co-author on other abstracts. All abstracts of presentations should fit some rules presented at Conference website in section for registered participants. Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail: conf-chugaev@isc-ras.ru before 1 March, 2011. The organizing committee reserves the right to reject the presentation and to change presentation type having notified about it the participants.
Accommodation for the conference participants would be organized at the Suzdal Hotel of the Main Tourist Complex of Suzdal. One can get more information about the hotel and other accommodation conditions on the web-site – http://suzdaltour.ru/ Participants should make a hotel reservation through through personal profile on the Conference website by use of a special form before 1 May 2011. Booking would become available only after paying the registration fee and money incoming. Organizing Committee makes no provision for hotel reservation by means of e-mail, fax, or postal service. Participants have no guarantee to get a room without preliminary reservation. Participants will pay for accommodation at registration desk upon arrival.
The Golden Ring of Russia is a name for a loop of very old towns located north-east of Moscow on the distance about 250 km. Suzdal. It is one of the oldest towns in Russia, first appearing in the chronicles in 1024. Historically it was a political and religious center of ancient Russia and now it is a major tourist attraction. The town has won the special prize of UNESCO for the preservation of the historical monuments and developing tourism. Suzdal is officially protected from the industries, and the old architecture and buildings are kept intact. The hilly green town is very seducing, old beautiful churches offer dreaming views.
A conference tour around of Suzdal will be organized for all participants, its price is included into Registration Fees. The Organizing Committee plans some excursions at the reasonable price for accompanying persons to nearest ancient towns: Vladimir, Ples, Pereslavl-Zalesskij, Yaroslavl, Kostroma.
Suzdal Hotel ( http://suzdaltour.ru/en/ ) of the Main Tourist Complex will be the conference site. Conference halls, restaurant, cafes, about two hundred rooms, a swimming pool, saunas, training hall are situated in one building. Four conference halls are suitable for plenary lectures and sessions. Comfortable restaurant for 500 seats can serve participants quickly. Cuisine is based on continental and old Russian recipes. Swimming pool and training hall are free of charge in the morning.
Prof. Zhizhin Konstantin Yurievich Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the RAS Phone: 7 (495) 954 4841,
Prof. Safonova Lyubov Petrovna
Institute of Solution Chemistry of the RAS
E-mail: conf-chugaev@isc-ras.ru
Conference website: http://chugaev.isc-ras.ru
A conference tour around of Suzdal will be organized for all participants. The Organizing Committee plans some excursions at the reasonable price for accompanying persons to nearest ancient towns: Vladimir, Ples, Pereslavl-Zalesskij, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. A Welcome Party and banquet are expected during the conference. More details information will be announced later.